Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 22 - 24 ~ A time of growth and challenge

Well, today is Sunday and since Thursday evening I have been dealing with a severe toothache. I am grateful that tomorrow is Monday and the dentists will be open. I am also grateful that I will get into the right dentist, even if it is not my own, before the end of the day tomorrow.  I have spent a lot of time napping through out the days over the weekend as I have not had a solid sleep through the night.  The blessing in that, I believe, is that I have had some great inspirational ideas for my novel, and I have had time to work on it between naps. I really feel like I am on the right track to completing it. yahooo.

Also, I was blessed to get a comment on my blog from Joyce Schwartz, author of The Vision Board. She suggests to anyone who is interested, they could read a free chapter from her book. (Once on the page, click on 'look inside' above the image of the book) The chapter is on Visioning and I highly recommend reading it! Some awesome suggestions in there that I will definitely be using.

In gratitude and excitement,

1 comment:

  1. Tracy you are shining like a bright star! Totally enjoy your energy and wisdom. Thanks for sharing...hope you feel better soon!
