Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 71 - 92 - New Beginnings

Life has certainly been active for me!  My exercise routine has become consistent and productive. The weather has been beautiful and a nightly hour walk with the dogs has been a delightful end to my days. I continue to attract to me that which I desire.  I have signed up for a certification course in Life Coaching which begins this week.  I love the idea of this class as it not only will help me improve my coaching skills, but has some great 'build your business' classes, ideas and support.  I am so stoked to have attracted this to me.  When I signed  up, I was not sure which mentor coach would be attached to course, but today, I have discovered that Kristalyn will be my mentor coach and her coaching biz focuses on the law of the attraction.  Can life really get any sweeter than this?? I'm excited to dig right in!
I have done some research into aromatherapy certification which I think I may jump into as well this summer.  Can never learn to much - knowledge seeking is endless in my world. :-)
For the record - following the tools and rules of the LOA is bringing to me more than I could have imagined. I know that life will continue to deliver amazing things to me - proof is delivered to me each and every day.

In love and light,

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 34 - Day 71 - Things have been hopping!

It has been a long long while since I have updated this, but it is not because I have stopped anything that I promised that I would do!  I have been busy with ongoing coach training, coaching at work and off work, developing DWB's first workshop, creating tools, writing and entering contests, exercising, learning new forms of meditation, and and and......

Life has certainly been busy and superbly wonderful! Most recently I learned some Qi Gong -  and I have to say, it has had a big impact on me.  I have always done guided meditations as I have had a hard time totally quieting my mind to do unguided mediations, but the energy created in Qi Jong allows me to totally quiet my mind and just move with the energy that radiates from both my body and the universe.  It feels really great, and I have made this a part of my regular routines.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful, and night walks with the pups have become a regular part of my routine as well.  The most amazing thing that I have noticed lately, is that I always have enough time to do anything that I want to do! It's all about perception and attitude.  I have also experienced some very positive evidence supporting the power of intentions.  I have created a tool to help me practice intentions and remind myself to find the evidence and celebrate accomplishments. This tool has been so helpful to me, that I am in the process of creating it in book format for retail release. I'm very excited about this!

In light and love,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 33 ~ When the epiphany hits you like a ton of bricks....

Standing in the bathroom this morning about to get into the shower, I looked into the mirror at myself, and I was struck with this HUGE epiphany! 

 Since starting my 365 day challenge, I have successfully healed 2 infections, attracted medical attention when needed, attracted the finances I required to deal with financial issues, attracted in record time maintenance people required and have learned to turn my day around to attract into it what I needed.  I seem to have become a master at dealing with what life throws my way.  The question that entered my mind this morning was 'now what?'.  If I have become so great at attracting the things I 'need', then is not absolutely possible to attract the things I desire?  I thought about the difference in my mind between what I believed I needed versus what I desire. The only difference I see is my level of intensity and focus surrounding it.  So.... My job is then to figure out how do I increase my focus on the things that I desire to the same intensity that I give to the things I need.

My answer for today - visualize! I believe I need to strategically place items in my day, my view, my life that will remind me how important these desires are to me. The Passion Test has some wonderful ideas for this. This will be my focus over the next couple of weeks - finding what works for me to align intense focus on my desires. What a wonderful learning experience for me.  I now see what an amazing blessing it has been to have been thrown these playful curve balls (bladder infection, broken furnace, etc) over the past month.  I choose to learn from all experiences, and in turn, this adventure called life will continue to blossom with joy and happiness. :-)

Amazingly, a few hours after my morning epiphany, I received word that I have a very good chance of having my personal cost for training I desire decreased by half. Wow, now if that is not a sign, I do not know what is!
From The Passion Test, I have discovered the following:
My Top 5 Passions
1. Helping people realize their dreams and find true happiness ~ co-creating.
2. Living a life of abundance.
3. Continuing my exciting journey of personal growth, transformation and enlightenment.
4. Creating and writing popular books for teens that will inspire them to go for their dreams.
5. Travelling to places I connect with on an emotional level and experiencing the enlightenment with loved ones.
My Markers: (How will I know I've arrived)
Helping people realize their dreams and find true happiness ~ co-creating.
1. People thank me for the change they have experienced in their lives since receiving coaching from me.
2. My coaching practice has over 100 active paying customers.
3.  I deliver workshops to many people wanting to realize their dreams.
4. I am living financial abundance brought forward from my coaching career.
5.  I have a best selling package of tools that brings positive feedback from people utilizing it to realize their dreams.
I am living a life of abundance
1.  I have more than 6 figures in my bank account.
2. I live in a luxurious home in the country, on a lake, with all the electronic conviences that make my heart go 'wohooo'.
3. I travel first class to conferences / workshops and for pleasure.
4. I am supporting causes that speak to my spirit.
I am continuing on my journey of personal growth.
1. I am attending conferences / work shops that will lead me to more and more joy and abundance.
2. I am listening daily to those things that inspire me.
3. I am applying the tools that speak to me to my life.
4. I am meditating and visioning daily.
5. I am taking what I have learnt and sharing it with my coaching clients.
I am creating and writing popular books for teens that will inspire them to go for their dreams.
1. My book(s) have become a part of the curriculum in schools for young teens.
2. My book(s) are on the NY times best sellers list.
3. I receive feedback from teens and parents about the positive impact my book(s) have had on their lives.
4. Publishers are contacting me for next books.
5. Getting published is easy and flows into the best possible hands.
I am travelling to places I connect with on an emotional level and experience enlightenment with loved ones.
1. I travel to 3 different countries / year
2. My travel partner(s) are those that I love.
3. My travelling loved ones share that the trip has brought them clarity and enlightenment.
4. My travelling includes time for meditation and nature.
5. I experience an increased connection with loved ones on each and every trip.
6. My loved ones and I co-create a life of peace, harmony, abundance and happiness with travel acting as our catalyst.
Today's Gratitudes:
I am so grateful for discovering every thing above and so proud of myself for listening to me and my intuition!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32 ~ The Power is within me!

What a glorious day.  What started out as the kind of day that could have really set the stage for whining and complaining, has turned out to be just super fantastic! I am really grateful for the events of my morning as they have proven to me that I really do have the power to turn it around at anytime.
Quick update - on the weekend my furnace broke down, and with afterhour prices, it cost me just under $500 to get it fixed. This morning, my daughter slept in, needed a ride to school (which makes me late for work), I ran outside to discover an almost flat tire, stopped at 2 gas stations only to discover after paying for the air that the machines were not working properly (but at least gave me enough air to drive safely to work), got the wrong kind of tea at Tim Horton's, and daughter was in a rather foul mood and showed me it all the way into town.  When I got to work, I realized that it was time for some serious 'smile therapy'. I decided then and there that I would turn my day around.  And turn around it did!  I got an update from our accounts payable person that I hadn't submitted my expenses for the past 4 months, so when I did that, I got enough to pay off my furnace and some extra to cover the workshop I am going to in May!  The work day flew by with much progress on the tasks I was working on! After work, I stopped for air at a different gas station, and was lucky enough to pull up right behind someone who just filled his tire, and there was enough 'free air' left to bring my tire up to where it should be.  Had a super supper with some gals that I took a coaching course with in the fall. Had enough fun energy left in me to swing by and pick up my daughter from work instead of her having to take the bus home.  Life is truly what we make it ~ and undoubtedly we attract whatever we put our attention on.  I am happy to report that this has truly resonated within me, and I will be choosing my days intentionally now!
The philosophers note for today, randomly chosen by my ipod shuffle, was ironically enough, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.  I listened to this after work on my way to supper with the gals. My biggest take away from this was the quote "Accept it as if you had chosen it". I love this ~ work with it, not against it. What a wonderful way to turn around your thinking ~ and I believe I definitely demonstrated this today as I walked into work.  Beautiful timing!

Ohhh.. also, just totally loving The Passion Test I wrote about yesterday! I have added the strong intention to attend the certified Passion Test Workshop offered by Janet Attwood. With faith and confidence, my intention is strong! This is going to rock to add to my coaching! Yayy... the path of life is an amazing and adventurous ride! Love it!  Also, super grateful to Janet for stopping by my blog yesterday and saying hi. After reading her story of personal growth, she is a guaranteed inspiration to me and my path of enjoyment and enlightenment! Way to Go, Janet! You Rock!

In gratitude and lovely blessings,

Today's Gratitudes:
So grateful for a wonderful supper with the 'coaching girls'. Yummy food and great catching up! Looking forward to next months get together. :-) Also, very grateful for the clarity that continues to come my way to enjoying the path of my passion. Wohooo... life really does rock! :-) Oh yeah... and puppies.. puppies, puppies, puppies! Gawd I love those little stinkers! :-)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 28 - 31 - Knowing my passion

Well, I have become very clear in my own mind this week of what my passion and purpose are. I have known for quite some time, but this week offered clarity and mindfulness surrounding it.  I am incredibly passionate over helping people to discover and become their true self. One of happiness, clarity and striving for goals.  I am currently reading The Passion Test by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood. This book is a wonderful pulling together of tools and stories to help the reader discover their passion and purpose in life.  I can certainly see pulling in these tools to coaching and also when assisting the teens to discover their own passions and take that courageous step towards their dreams. I highly recommend this book.

My top gratitudes for today:
Super grateful for a wonderful evening catching up with old friends. Laughter, good food and cheap wine... can life get much better? :-)  Also super grateful that my furnace was fixable and that the after hours service was super fast, and quickly warmed the house back up again. Happy to be continuing on this journey of self discovery. :-)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 25-27 ~ Happiness is where it's at!

Well, tooth problem has been all fixed up, just as I had hoped for.. Gotta love it when that happens.
Today's Philosopher's Note was Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar.  My favorite quote: “Happiness is not about making it to the peak of the mountain nor is it about climbing aimlessly around the mountain; happiness is the experience of climbing toward the peak.”  This has really been a strong intention of mine.. to just enjoy the ride. To focus on the gift in every moment as I ride the wave of adventure to my goals!

Last night, through the gratitude log, I came across a very unique and inspirational man. David, the bald guy in the blue house, who is giving away money through a free draw in a quest to use the law of attraction in a way that everyone wins. I love the idea, I love his faith and I really believe he has something good going on here. I wish him nothing but the best on his personal journey and adventures! Way to go, David!  You can check him out by clicking here.

I have always found inspiration and strength in the actions of others who really jump in with both feet and amazing faith!  I seem to be attracting more and more of these types of people in to my life and for that I am extremely appreciative!

Today's Gratitudes:
Today I am super grateful for inspiration from those following their dreams, taking action and totally believing in the process and the law of attraction! (great example, David and his lawttery!). Also very grateful for conversation on finding new blessings in old situations (WTG Deb.. you're an inspiration in limitless personal growth!). Super stoked over plans for upcoming meeting and so excited to share and plan with the 'superteam' tomorrow! So grateful for the love, calmness and serenity offered up free of charge by 4 week old puppies! So much more.... in love and endless gratitude...~Trace

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 22 - 24 ~ A time of growth and challenge

Well, today is Sunday and since Thursday evening I have been dealing with a severe toothache. I am grateful that tomorrow is Monday and the dentists will be open. I am also grateful that I will get into the right dentist, even if it is not my own, before the end of the day tomorrow.  I have spent a lot of time napping through out the days over the weekend as I have not had a solid sleep through the night.  The blessing in that, I believe, is that I have had some great inspirational ideas for my novel, and I have had time to work on it between naps. I really feel like I am on the right track to completing it. yahooo.

Also, I was blessed to get a comment on my blog from Joyce Schwartz, author of The Vision Board. She suggests to anyone who is interested, they could read a free chapter from her book. (Once on the page, click on 'look inside' above the image of the book) The chapter is on Visioning and I highly recommend reading it! Some awesome suggestions in there that I will definitely be using.

In gratitude and excitement,