Life has certainly been active for me! My exercise routine has become consistent and productive. The weather has been beautiful and a nightly hour walk with the dogs has been a delightful end to my days. I continue to attract to me that which I desire. I have signed up for a certification course in Life Coaching which begins this week. I love the idea of this class as it not only will help me improve my coaching skills, but has some great 'build your business' classes, ideas and support. I am so stoked to have attracted this to me. When I signed up, I was not sure which mentor coach would be attached to course, but today, I have discovered that Kristalyn will be my mentor coach and her coaching biz focuses on the law of the attraction. Can life really get any sweeter than this?? I'm excited to dig right in!
I have done some research into aromatherapy certification which I think I may jump into as well this summer. Can never learn to much - knowledge seeking is endless in my world. :-)
For the record - following the tools and rules of the LOA is bringing to me more than I could have imagined. I know that life will continue to deliver amazing things to me - proof is delivered to me each and every day.
In love and light,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Day 34 - Day 71 - Things have been hopping!
It has been a long long while since I have updated this, but it is not because I have stopped anything that I promised that I would do! I have been busy with ongoing coach training, coaching at work and off work, developing DWB's first workshop, creating tools, writing and entering contests, exercising, learning new forms of meditation, and and and......
Life has certainly been busy and superbly wonderful! Most recently I learned some Qi Gong
- and I have to say, it has had a big impact on me. I have always done guided meditations as I have had a hard time totally quieting my mind to do unguided mediations, but the energy created in Qi Jong allows me to totally quiet my mind and just move with the energy that radiates from both my body and the universe. It feels really great, and I have made this a part of my regular routines.
The weather has been absolutely beautiful, and night walks with the pups have become a regular part of my routine as well. The most amazing thing that I have noticed lately, is that I always have enough time to do anything that I want to do! It's all about perception and attitude. I have also experienced some very positive evidence supporting the power of intentions. I have created a tool to help me practice intentions and remind myself to find the evidence and celebrate accomplishments. This tool has been so helpful to me, that I am in the process of creating it in book format for retail release. I'm very excited about this!
In light and love,
Life has certainly been busy and superbly wonderful! Most recently I learned some Qi Gong
The weather has been absolutely beautiful, and night walks with the pups have become a regular part of my routine as well. The most amazing thing that I have noticed lately, is that I always have enough time to do anything that I want to do! It's all about perception and attitude. I have also experienced some very positive evidence supporting the power of intentions. I have created a tool to help me practice intentions and remind myself to find the evidence and celebrate accomplishments. This tool has been so helpful to me, that I am in the process of creating it in book format for retail release. I'm very excited about this!
In light and love,
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Day 33 ~ When the epiphany hits you like a ton of bricks....
Standing in the bathroom this morning about to get into the shower, I looked into the mirror at myself, and I was struck with this HUGE epiphany!
Since starting my 365 day challenge, I have successfully healed 2 infections, attracted medical attention when needed, attracted the finances I required to deal with financial issues, attracted in record time maintenance people required and have learned to turn my day around to attract into it what I needed. I seem to have become a master at dealing with what life throws my way. The question that entered my mind this morning was 'now what?'. If I have become so great at attracting the things I 'need', then is not absolutely possible to attract the things I desire? I thought about the difference in my mind between what I believed I needed versus what I desire. The only difference I see is my level of intensity and focus surrounding it. So.... My job is then to figure out how do I increase my focus on the things that I desire to the same intensity that I give to the things I need.
My answer for today - visualize! I believe I need to strategically place items in my day, my view, my life that will remind me how important these desires are to me. The Passion Test
has some wonderful ideas for this. This will be my focus over the next couple of weeks - finding what works for me to align intense focus on my desires. What a wonderful learning experience for me. I now see what an amazing blessing it has been to have been thrown these playful curve balls (bladder infection, broken furnace, etc) over the past month. I choose to learn from all experiences, and in turn, this adventure called life will continue to blossom with joy and happiness. :-)
Amazingly, a few hours after my morning epiphany, I received word that I have a very good chance of having my personal cost for training I desire decreased by half. Wow, now if that is not a sign, I do not know what is!
From The Passion Test, I have discovered the following:
My Top 5 Passions
1. Helping people realize their dreams and find true happiness ~ co-creating.
2. Living a life of abundance.
3. Continuing my exciting journey of personal growth, transformation and enlightenment.
4. Creating and writing popular books for teens that will inspire them to go for their dreams.
5. Travelling to places I connect with on an emotional level and experiencing the enlightenment with loved ones.
My Markers: (How will I know I've arrived)
Helping people realize their dreams and find true happiness ~ co-creating.
1. People thank me for the change they have experienced in their lives since receiving coaching from me.
2. My coaching practice has over 100 active paying customers.
3. I deliver workshops to many people wanting to realize their dreams.
4. I am living financial abundance brought forward from my coaching career.
5. I have a best selling package of tools that brings positive feedback from people utilizing it to realize their dreams.
I am living a life of abundance
1. I have more than 6 figures in my bank account.
2. I live in a luxurious home in the country, on a lake, with all the electronic conviences that make my heart go 'wohooo'.
3. I travel first class to conferences / workshops and for pleasure.
4. I am supporting causes that speak to my spirit.
I am continuing on my journey of personal growth.
1. I am attending conferences / work shops that will lead me to more and more joy and abundance.
2. I am listening daily to those things that inspire me.
3. I am applying the tools that speak to me to my life.
4. I am meditating and visioning daily.
5. I am taking what I have learnt and sharing it with my coaching clients.
I am creating and writing popular books for teens that will inspire them to go for their dreams.
1. My book(s) have become a part of the curriculum in schools for young teens.
2. My book(s) are on the NY times best sellers list.
3. I receive feedback from teens and parents about the positive impact my book(s) have had on their lives.
4. Publishers are contacting me for next books.
5. Getting published is easy and flows into the best possible hands.
I am travelling to places I connect with on an emotional level and experience enlightenment with loved ones.
1. I travel to 3 different countries / year
2. My travel partner(s) are those that I love.
3. My travelling loved ones share that the trip has brought them clarity and enlightenment.
4. My travelling includes time for meditation and nature.
5. I experience an increased connection with loved ones on each and every trip.
6. My loved ones and I co-create a life of peace, harmony, abundance and happiness with travel acting as our catalyst.
Today's Gratitudes:
I am so grateful for discovering every thing above and so proud of myself for listening to me and my intuition!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Day 32 ~ The Power is within me!
What a glorious day. What started out as the kind of day that could have really set the stage for whining and complaining, has turned out to be just super fantastic! I am really grateful for the events of my morning as they have proven to me that I really do have the power to turn it around at anytime.
Quick update - on the weekend my furnace broke down, and with afterhour prices, it cost me just under $500 to get it fixed. This morning, my daughter slept in, needed a ride to school (which makes me late for work), I ran outside to discover an almost flat tire, stopped at 2 gas stations only to discover after paying for the air that the machines were not working properly (but at least gave me enough air to drive safely to work), got the wrong kind of tea at Tim Horton's, and daughter was in a rather foul mood and showed me it all the way into town. When I got to work, I realized that it was time for some serious 'smile therapy'. I decided then and there that I would turn my day around. And turn around it did! I got an update from our accounts payable person that I hadn't submitted my expenses for the past 4 months, so when I did that, I got enough to pay off my furnace and some extra to cover the workshop I am going to in May! The work day flew by with much progress on the tasks I was working on! After work, I stopped for air at a different gas station, and was lucky enough to pull up right behind someone who just filled his tire, and there was enough 'free air' left to bring my tire up to where it should be. Had a super supper with some gals that I took a coaching course with in the fall. Had enough fun energy left in me to swing by and pick up my daughter from work instead of her having to take the bus home. Life is truly what we make it ~ and undoubtedly we attract whatever we put our attention on. I am happy to report that this has truly resonated within me, and I will be choosing my days intentionally now!
The philosophers note for today, randomly chosen by my ipod shuffle, was ironically enough, The Power of Now
by Eckhart Tolle. I listened to this after work on my way to supper with the gals. My biggest take away from this was the quote "Accept it as if you had chosen it". I love this ~ work with it, not against it. What a wonderful way to turn around your thinking ~ and I believe I definitely demonstrated this today as I walked into work. Beautiful timing!
Ohhh.. also, just totally loving The Passion Test
I wrote about yesterday! I have added the strong intention to attend the certified Passion Test Workshop offered by Janet Attwood. With faith and confidence, my intention is strong! This is going to rock to add to my coaching! Yayy... the path of life is an amazing and adventurous ride! Love it! Also, super grateful to Janet for stopping by my blog yesterday and saying hi. After reading her story of personal growth, she is a guaranteed inspiration to me and my path of enjoyment and enlightenment! Way to Go, Janet! You Rock!
In gratitude and lovely blessings,
Today's Gratitudes:
So grateful for a wonderful supper with the 'coaching girls'. Yummy food and great catching up! Looking forward to next months get together. :-) Also, very grateful for the clarity that continues to come my way to enjoying the path of my passion. Wohooo... life really does rock! :-) Oh yeah... and puppies.. puppies, puppies, puppies! Gawd I love those little stinkers! :-)
Quick update - on the weekend my furnace broke down, and with afterhour prices, it cost me just under $500 to get it fixed. This morning, my daughter slept in, needed a ride to school (which makes me late for work), I ran outside to discover an almost flat tire, stopped at 2 gas stations only to discover after paying for the air that the machines were not working properly (but at least gave me enough air to drive safely to work), got the wrong kind of tea at Tim Horton's, and daughter was in a rather foul mood and showed me it all the way into town. When I got to work, I realized that it was time for some serious 'smile therapy'. I decided then and there that I would turn my day around. And turn around it did! I got an update from our accounts payable person that I hadn't submitted my expenses for the past 4 months, so when I did that, I got enough to pay off my furnace and some extra to cover the workshop I am going to in May! The work day flew by with much progress on the tasks I was working on! After work, I stopped for air at a different gas station, and was lucky enough to pull up right behind someone who just filled his tire, and there was enough 'free air' left to bring my tire up to where it should be. Had a super supper with some gals that I took a coaching course with in the fall. Had enough fun energy left in me to swing by and pick up my daughter from work instead of her having to take the bus home. Life is truly what we make it ~ and undoubtedly we attract whatever we put our attention on. I am happy to report that this has truly resonated within me, and I will be choosing my days intentionally now!
The philosophers note for today, randomly chosen by my ipod shuffle, was ironically enough, The Power of Now
Ohhh.. also, just totally loving The Passion Test
In gratitude and lovely blessings,
Today's Gratitudes:
So grateful for a wonderful supper with the 'coaching girls'. Yummy food and great catching up! Looking forward to next months get together. :-) Also, very grateful for the clarity that continues to come my way to enjoying the path of my passion. Wohooo... life really does rock! :-) Oh yeah... and puppies.. puppies, puppies, puppies! Gawd I love those little stinkers! :-)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Day 28 - 31 - Knowing my passion
Well, I have become very clear in my own mind this week of what my passion and purpose are. I have known for quite some time, but this week offered clarity and mindfulness surrounding it. I am incredibly passionate over helping people to discover and become their true self. One of happiness, clarity and striving for goals. I am currently reading The Passion Test
by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood. This book is a wonderful pulling together of tools and stories to help the reader discover their passion and purpose in life. I can certainly see pulling in these tools to coaching and also when assisting the teens to discover their own passions and take that courageous step towards their dreams. I highly recommend this book.
My top gratitudes for today:
Super grateful for a wonderful evening catching up with old friends. Laughter, good food and cheap wine... can life get much better? :-) Also super grateful that my furnace was fixable and that the after hours service was super fast, and quickly warmed the house back up again. Happy to be continuing on this journey of self discovery. :-)
My top gratitudes for today:
Super grateful for a wonderful evening catching up with old friends. Laughter, good food and cheap wine... can life get much better? :-) Also super grateful that my furnace was fixable and that the after hours service was super fast, and quickly warmed the house back up again. Happy to be continuing on this journey of self discovery. :-)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Day 25-27 ~ Happiness is where it's at!
Well, tooth problem has been all fixed up, just as I had hoped for.. Gotta love it when that happens.
Today's Philosopher's Note was Happier
by Tal Ben-Shahar. My favorite quote: “Happiness is not about making it to the peak of the mountain nor is it about climbing aimlessly around the mountain; happiness is the experience of climbing toward the peak.” This has really been a strong intention of mine.. to just enjoy the ride. To focus on the gift in every moment as I ride the wave of adventure to my goals!
Last night, through the gratitude log, I came across a very unique and inspirational man. David, the bald guy in the blue house, who is giving away money through a free draw in a quest to use the law of attraction in a way that everyone wins. I love the idea, I love his faith and I really believe he has something good going on here. I wish him nothing but the best on his personal journey and adventures! Way to go, David! You can check him out by clicking here.
I have always found inspiration and strength in the actions of others who really jump in with both feet and amazing faith! I seem to be attracting more and more of these types of people in to my life and for that I am extremely appreciative!
Today's Gratitudes:
Today I am super grateful for inspiration from those following their dreams, taking action and totally believing in the process and the law of attraction! (great example, David and his lawttery!). Also very grateful for conversation on finding new blessings in old situations (WTG Deb.. you're an inspiration in limitless personal growth!). Super stoked over plans for upcoming meeting and so excited to share and plan with the 'superteam' tomorrow! So grateful for the love, calmness and serenity offered up free of charge by 4 week old puppies! So much more.... in love and endless gratitude...~Trace
Today's Philosopher's Note was Happier
Last night, through the gratitude log, I came across a very unique and inspirational man. David, the bald guy in the blue house, who is giving away money through a free draw in a quest to use the law of attraction in a way that everyone wins. I love the idea, I love his faith and I really believe he has something good going on here. I wish him nothing but the best on his personal journey and adventures! Way to go, David! You can check him out by clicking here.
I have always found inspiration and strength in the actions of others who really jump in with both feet and amazing faith! I seem to be attracting more and more of these types of people in to my life and for that I am extremely appreciative!
Today's Gratitudes:
Today I am super grateful for inspiration from those following their dreams, taking action and totally believing in the process and the law of attraction! (great example, David and his lawttery!). Also very grateful for conversation on finding new blessings in old situations (WTG Deb.. you're an inspiration in limitless personal growth!). Super stoked over plans for upcoming meeting and so excited to share and plan with the 'superteam' tomorrow! So grateful for the love, calmness and serenity offered up free of charge by 4 week old puppies! So much more.... in love and endless gratitude...~Trace
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Day 22 - 24 ~ A time of growth and challenge
Well, today is Sunday and since Thursday evening I have been dealing with a severe toothache. I am grateful that tomorrow is Monday and the dentists will be open. I am also grateful that I will get into the right dentist, even if it is not my own, before the end of the day tomorrow. I have spent a lot of time napping through out the days over the weekend as I have not had a solid sleep through the night. The blessing in that, I believe, is that I have had some great inspirational ideas for my novel, and I have had time to work on it between naps. I really feel like I am on the right track to completing it. yahooo.
Also, I was blessed to get a comment on my blog from Joyce Schwartz, author of The Vision Board
. She suggests to anyone who is interested, they could read a free chapter from her book. (Once on the page, click on 'look inside' above the image of the book) The chapter is on Visioning and I highly recommend reading it! Some awesome suggestions in there that I will definitely be using.
In gratitude and excitement,
Also, I was blessed to get a comment on my blog from Joyce Schwartz, author of The Vision Board
In gratitude and excitement,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 20 ~ A gifted Adult.... me?
Wonderful ride in to work today - much longer than usual, but sun was shining and so was my spirit. :-)
Today's philosopher's note was The Gifted Adult
by Mary - Elaine Jacobsen. I really appreciated this PN on this book. This is a book that I never would have picked up to read on my own, but after hearing Brian's take on it, it is on my 'must buy' list. I have added 'liberate my everyday genius' to my 'to do' list. I love this concepts included in this book and I look forward to reading it and doing the number of exercises within it. I already know that my purpose and my own genius is creativity and life long learning.
Today was a day of self-reflection. I am in training at The Art of Excellence for internal corporate coach training. I have taken a number of trainings through TAOE now and with everyone I walk away with a greater understanding of myself, an appreciation of others and numerous tools that assist me in coaching employees at work. I am so grateful to be working for an organization that supports my need for personal growth and can really see how that benefits the agency at the end of the day. So many aspects of my life are being pulled together right now in amazing ways, and I can see only abundance and happiness in my future. Life is great, and I wouldn't want it any other way! :-)
Today I'm so grateful for great conversations, reflections of myself, and inspirational people. :-)
Today's philosopher's note was The Gifted Adult
Today was a day of self-reflection. I am in training at The Art of Excellence for internal corporate coach training. I have taken a number of trainings through TAOE now and with everyone I walk away with a greater understanding of myself, an appreciation of others and numerous tools that assist me in coaching employees at work. I am so grateful to be working for an organization that supports my need for personal growth and can really see how that benefits the agency at the end of the day. So many aspects of my life are being pulled together right now in amazing ways, and I can see only abundance and happiness in my future. Life is great, and I wouldn't want it any other way! :-)
Today I'm so grateful for great conversations, reflections of myself, and inspirational people. :-)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 19 - I'm great, you're great, life is great!
Wallace D Wattles is an amazing man, who lived in the late 1800's, studied successful people, applied the principles on himself that worked for them and actually turned his life around from one of poverty to one of absolute abundance.
I facilitated a study on his book The Science of Getting Rich with a small group last year. His teachings really speak to me and I find studying and practicing his principles really increase my energy level. I have, of course, read The Science of Being Great before and in fact I own it. You can read it online for free by going here: I really enjoyed Brian's coles notes on the book! Way to go, Bri!
Well, I do have something exciting to share now... In relation to health. Once or twice per year, I get a urinary tract infection which I have always required antibiotics to combat. Two weeks ago, I got another UTI, which I decided would just have to go away on its on. I must admit, I did have one day in which I considered going to the doctor, but when I called, my doctor was on vacation for 2 more days. So I told myself that I would wait until he was back, and if it was still bothersome, then I would go to see him for antibiotics. Before those 2 days were up, my UTI seemed to be totally gone. I waited for another week and half before blogging on here about it, because I did not want to give it any power incase it was still lurking in the shadows. But alas, I have not had any symptoms at all since it first seemed to go away.
Here is what I did.... Purple has always resembled excellent health for me, so I began envisioning my urinary tract surrounded by purple, healing it as it was encompassing it in a ray of purple light. During my shower meditations, I focused on any infections leaving my body and flowing away with the water down the drain. I continued to 'act as if' I did not have a UTI, and this meant not speaking about and not acknowledging it. I spoke about feeling great, energized and healthy, I wrote about feeling great, energized and healthy. When it was apparent, like when going for a 'pee', I envisioned with each urination that all the infection was leaving and about to be 'flushed' away. I continued to use my rebounder (mini tramp), and pretended like it was a prescription from the doctor that would rush this UTI away.
Halleluia! This whole process took about 5 days from the time it began to bother me to the time it totally went away. I have tried "ignoring" UTI's before, but always, by about day 5, I would be at the doctor begging not only for antibiotics but also something alleviate the spasms that go along with a UTI. I am thrilled and feeling very powerful about experiencing this result. The law of attraction is a beautiful thing!
BTW - during this time I also had a bit of a cold, which I'm sure disappeared quickly due to everything I was practicing. I feel strongly about this, because my son got the same cold and he missed 3 days of school, was very very sick with headaches, sore throat and a horrible cough for over a week. Mine never turned into more than a slightly runny nose!
My Gratitudes:
A beautiful sight on my way home from work where a couple of kids on my street were teaching their weimaraner breed of dog to pull their sleigh. Everyone, even the dog, had a huge smile on their face! It made me grin from ear to ear and I felt so grateful to see so much innocent fun!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day 18 ~ Confucius says....
Today's PN was The Analects of Confucius... I have to be honest here, I really wasn't feeling todays Philosopher's Note. I listened to it on my way to work this morning, and I thought I would give it a second chance tonight by reading the PDF version of the audio. The one thing I walked away with was certainly that Confucius was leading edge for his time and many of his teachings have been reworked into todays teachings on the law of attraction and living a successful and happy life. I can't say that I had any big 'aha' moments during the listening or the reading of this, but I guess a nice confirmation for me was that Confucius believed in life long learning, and that we are always growing. It feels good to be reminded that we continue to grow through our entire lives and each year brings with it more and more knowledge along with more and more things to look forward to.
With gratitude and eager anticipation of inspiration, I look forward to tomorrows PN.
Today I am grateful for a wonderful Monday. Great lunch with one of my clients, good planning and conversations, and getting through sooo many tasks that had been looming on my mind. :-)
Signing off now for a nice work out before bed! :-)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Day 17 - Marvelicious Day!
Wow... I haven't been so social in so long. I guess I am attracting just what I needed. Excellent impromptu visit with my dad and step mom tonight - got fed an awesome supper and had great conversations with parents and my kids. So interesting to see the 3 generations have conversations about ethics and world events.
I did a lot of driving today (daughter back and forth to work), and I find my creative mind really sparks while I drive. Came up with some cool ideas for book and added them to my wall charts. Had a super work out tonight on the mini-tramp - which is right in front of novel wall charts, so it helps me to plan - that is working out great.
Tomorrow it is back to the philosopher notes, and I'm really looking forward to whichever ones my ipod chooses for me.
In gratitude and marvelicious attitude .... until tomorrow.....
Today I am grateful for not having to cook supper, creative energy blasting all over the place, a great and very fun workout, and sleeping in for the first time in a very long time!
I did a lot of driving today (daughter back and forth to work), and I find my creative mind really sparks while I drive. Came up with some cool ideas for book and added them to my wall charts. Had a super work out tonight on the mini-tramp - which is right in front of novel wall charts, so it helps me to plan - that is working out great.
Tomorrow it is back to the philosopher notes, and I'm really looking forward to whichever ones my ipod chooses for me.
In gratitude and marvelicious attitude .... until tomorrow.....
Today I am grateful for not having to cook supper, creative energy blasting all over the place, a great and very fun workout, and sleeping in for the first time in a very long time!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 16 - A day of inspiration
Another busy day for me socially. Giving a helping hand, and then enjoying a nice supper out with a friend and the kids.
I picked up a couple new books today. One on vision boards, and the other is The Element
by Ken Robinson, PhD. I have only begun The Element, but so far, I am really liking what I'm reading. The premises is "How Finding your Passion Changes Everything." It has already sparked some creative ideas in my mind.
I read about half of The Vision Board
by Joyce Schwartz, and I think the ideas in it are cool. I have been visioning and using vision boards for a few years now, but this adds a few new twists. Definitely supports my vision wall. :-) I bought it because I invited a friends teenage daughter over to do some vision boards with my daughter and me in a few weeks. So, I really like some of the new ideas that it had to offer. I'm really looking forward to spending this time visioning with the teens! Did I mention that I love being a mom to teens! Absolutely love it! There is nothing like a fresh young mind to bring out my own creativity!
Another cool thing that is happening, undoubtedly because I am focusing on my goal of finishing my novel, I am getting some totally cool new ideas popping in my mind for it. So, I have added some big chart paper on the wall in order to story board my novel to keep track of these new ideas that I'm not quite sure exactly where they are going to fit in. It's sort of a backwards way to write a novel, but live and learn. It is ok that I already have it about 1/5 written, and now I'm doing a storyboard. Yes, that is what I have decided... everything is OK if it adds to my creative process. ;-) Creativity is definitely a large part of my purpose! I also realized today that finishing this novel is of utmost importance to my growth. Historically, I am amazing at starting creative projects, but have not been really great about finishing them. I have always sort of been the 'idea person' ... but I really really want to be the take action and complete amazing works person! This book has become my ambassador, my teacher, my proof to myself that I have what it takes. It will be the start of many, many, more finished projects to come!
New affirmation:
"I finish all of my creative projects with energy and conviction"
Today's Gratitudes:
Today I am very grateful for the great conversation with a friend, time spent with the kids, the wonderful weather that made driving all around town an easy and wonderful thing, smile therapy, and the puppies that are now able to hear and wake up excited when they hear my voice!
I picked up a couple new books today. One on vision boards, and the other is The Element
I read about half of The Vision Board
Another cool thing that is happening, undoubtedly because I am focusing on my goal of finishing my novel, I am getting some totally cool new ideas popping in my mind for it. So, I have added some big chart paper on the wall in order to story board my novel to keep track of these new ideas that I'm not quite sure exactly where they are going to fit in. It's sort of a backwards way to write a novel, but live and learn. It is ok that I already have it about 1/5 written, and now I'm doing a storyboard. Yes, that is what I have decided... everything is OK if it adds to my creative process. ;-) Creativity is definitely a large part of my purpose! I also realized today that finishing this novel is of utmost importance to my growth. Historically, I am amazing at starting creative projects, but have not been really great about finishing them. I have always sort of been the 'idea person' ... but I really really want to be the take action and complete amazing works person! This book has become my ambassador, my teacher, my proof to myself that I have what it takes. It will be the start of many, many, more finished projects to come!
New affirmation:
"I finish all of my creative projects with energy and conviction"
Today's Gratitudes:
Today I am very grateful for the great conversation with a friend, time spent with the kids, the wonderful weather that made driving all around town an easy and wonderful thing, smile therapy, and the puppies that are now able to hear and wake up excited when they hear my voice!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Day 15 - Wow, life is picking up!
Well, I didn't get blogging yesterday because I was too busy socializing. I have 20 minutes left of today to post, and I'm cutting it close, because... I was too busy socializing. LOL
Life is great, energy is high.
I have been continuing on with the PN's and have had quite a few aha moments over the past few days. I will reflect and pull those all together to blog over the weekend.
But for today... I want to share my new smile therapy.
So... when my alarm goes off in the morning, the first thing I do is smile. Even though, my brain is not fully awake, and I'm not even sure if I have enough brain cells functioning to think of something to smile about, I smile anyways. When I'm in the shower, I smile. When I drive to work, I smile. And as I am walking down the hallway at work towards my office I smile. Truth be told, most of the time, I just smile because I tell myself to. I really don't have anything in mind that I'm smiling about, I just smile... and what I noticed, is that it usually turns to a little giggle to myself, and then a whole lot of reasons to smile start to come to mind. Amazing what a little thing like a smile can do to stir wonderful things up. I also figure that it just may put a little smile on any observers faces too... because there is nothing quite as contagious as a smile!
So,... smile away! Plus, it really makes people wonder what your up to and what your secret is! hehe
Life is great, energy is high.
I have been continuing on with the PN's and have had quite a few aha moments over the past few days. I will reflect and pull those all together to blog over the weekend.
But for today... I want to share my new smile therapy.
So... when my alarm goes off in the morning, the first thing I do is smile. Even though, my brain is not fully awake, and I'm not even sure if I have enough brain cells functioning to think of something to smile about, I smile anyways. When I'm in the shower, I smile. When I drive to work, I smile. And as I am walking down the hallway at work towards my office I smile. Truth be told, most of the time, I just smile because I tell myself to. I really don't have anything in mind that I'm smiling about, I just smile... and what I noticed, is that it usually turns to a little giggle to myself, and then a whole lot of reasons to smile start to come to mind. Amazing what a little thing like a smile can do to stir wonderful things up. I also figure that it just may put a little smile on any observers faces too... because there is nothing quite as contagious as a smile!
So,... smile away! Plus, it really makes people wonder what your up to and what your secret is! hehe
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 13 - Amazing Day!!
What a super-duper almost unbelievably fantastic day! This morning's PN was The Big Leap
by Gay Hendricks. Wow...lots of food for thought in there. I have not read this book before, but I am absolutely going to get it! This weekend.
Biggest idea for me in this book was...
Fear is just excitement without the breath. Love this! Fear and excitement have exactly the same make up, except in fear we hold our breath, in excitement, we breathe big! Love this.. I will most surely try this the next time I feel fear.
Results of today.. well... amazing! I had 4 potentially challenging meetings today.. but prior to each, I set my intentions, focussed on how can I serve.. and I have to say, I walked out of each one with a huge smile on my face, feeling great about the positive steps forward that would come out of each. What an amazing feeling!
This statement is my gratitude for today! It is biggest enough to stand alone!
Well, blissfully, this amazing day was also a long one, so calling it a night, and signing off for now!
Eternally and forever grateful for my life!
Biggest idea for me in this book was...
Fear is just excitement without the breath. Love this! Fear and excitement have exactly the same make up, except in fear we hold our breath, in excitement, we breathe big! Love this.. I will most surely try this the next time I feel fear.
Results of today.. well... amazing! I had 4 potentially challenging meetings today.. but prior to each, I set my intentions, focussed on how can I serve.. and I have to say, I walked out of each one with a huge smile on my face, feeling great about the positive steps forward that would come out of each. What an amazing feeling!
This statement is my gratitude for today! It is biggest enough to stand alone!
Well, blissfully, this amazing day was also a long one, so calling it a night, and signing off for now!
Eternally and forever grateful for my life!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Day 12 - 7 habits!
Today’s PN is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
~ Stephen Covey
I have this book in my library. There is a reason it has been on the best sellers list for so long! Great, great book! This was a great review for me.
My aha Moment
Begin with the end in mind. I love this - keeping the end in your heart and mind will help me to move past procrastination and continue to take the baby steps forward. I think I’m very clear with the end picture, it’s the journey that sometimes becomes overwhelming feeling to me. Baby steps while enjoying the ride is my focus in 2010!
Did some work around laying out those baby steps, and the priority list that I will follow to complete them. I am feeling good about my plan, and definitely am believing that it is possible!
1. Super meeting today with staff with some good plans for moving forward.
2. Amazing amount of work completed again today at the office.
3. Great feel good work out tonight!
4. The very very good looking man that gave the tour today. Teehee
5. Real estate potentials! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!
I have this book in my library. There is a reason it has been on the best sellers list for so long! Great, great book! This was a great review for me.
My aha Moment
Begin with the end in mind. I love this - keeping the end in your heart and mind will help me to move past procrastination and continue to take the baby steps forward. I think I’m very clear with the end picture, it’s the journey that sometimes becomes overwhelming feeling to me. Baby steps while enjoying the ride is my focus in 2010!
Did some work around laying out those baby steps, and the priority list that I will follow to complete them. I am feeling good about my plan, and definitely am believing that it is possible!
1. Super meeting today with staff with some good plans for moving forward.
2. Amazing amount of work completed again today at the office.
3. Great feel good work out tonight!
4. The very very good looking man that gave the tour today. Teehee
5. Real estate potentials! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Day 11 - Agreements with Myself and adding a challenge
Well, I just couldn’t pass up a challenge! I joined the 50 day challenge offered on Finer Minds , following the philosopher notes. This is going to be a blast!
Today’s PN - The Four Agreements
~ Don Miguel Ruiz
I love these four agreements. They really are the basis of living a life of bliss.
1. Be Impecable with your word - stop complaining, blaming and criticizing. - I love this - last year I took the Complaint Free World challenge, and although it was challenging and full of self-awareness, I finally was successful after 6 months of going 21 days complaint free. This was a nice reminder to continue on this journey.
2. Don’t take anything personally - one of my favorite sayings is “What you think of me is none of my business. At the end of the day, I go to sleep knowing I have done the best I could with the tools I had.” I really try to live by this statement.
3. Don’t make assumptions. My life coach has taught me to always find a better feeling assumption. If I do not know with 100% certainty, why would I choose to believe something negative. So true! And of course, ask for clarification whenever I can.
4. Always do your best. This morning I reviewed Wayne Dyers Power of Intention, and realized that using the ‘act as if’ principle will really help with this. This is one area that will be putting a larger focus on in the upcoming weeks. Love the point about the fact that my best will fluctuate from day to day and this is ok. Quit being so hard on myself. I will do the best I can with the tools I have at every moment.
These are the Top 5 things I *know* need some work from me:
1. Continue to an attempt to become complaint free. I know that complaining gives power to whatever I’m pushing against. I need to continue to strive towards finding the blessing in everything.
2. Continue to listen to something inspirational every day in order to stay on track with the 4 agreements.
3. When I find myself making assumptions (negative ones), I will ask the questions to seek clarification. I will also find a better feeling assumption if I cannot ask the question.
4. Rid myself of excuses - blaming others or situations for my own behavior needs to stop.
5. Accountability - live life as if there is a camera following me around 24 hrs / day.
1. A rock solid sleep last night!
2. A very very productive Monday! So much done, in so little time.
3. The opportunity to set intentions with a co-worker for a concept we wish to introduce. Was great to focus on the reaction we intend to get from those we present to. Knowing the outcome desired is the first step in achieving it.
4. For the comments fellow participants are leaving from the PN challenge re the Four Agreements. So much food for thought!
5. Great conversations with like minded people today!!
Exercise: 25 minutes on rebounder
Meditation: Shower of abundance
My results
Energy is still high and I feel great. I got rid of a cold with only a few sniffles - wonderful thing! I seem to be attracting a lot of people who are on the same wave length as me.. Love it!
Today’s PN - The Four Agreements
I love these four agreements. They really are the basis of living a life of bliss.
1. Be Impecable with your word - stop complaining, blaming and criticizing. - I love this - last year I took the Complaint Free World challenge, and although it was challenging and full of self-awareness, I finally was successful after 6 months of going 21 days complaint free. This was a nice reminder to continue on this journey.
2. Don’t take anything personally - one of my favorite sayings is “What you think of me is none of my business. At the end of the day, I go to sleep knowing I have done the best I could with the tools I had.” I really try to live by this statement.
3. Don’t make assumptions. My life coach has taught me to always find a better feeling assumption. If I do not know with 100% certainty, why would I choose to believe something negative. So true! And of course, ask for clarification whenever I can.
4. Always do your best. This morning I reviewed Wayne Dyers Power of Intention, and realized that using the ‘act as if’ principle will really help with this. This is one area that will be putting a larger focus on in the upcoming weeks. Love the point about the fact that my best will fluctuate from day to day and this is ok. Quit being so hard on myself. I will do the best I can with the tools I have at every moment.
These are the Top 5 things I *know* need some work from me:
1. Continue to an attempt to become complaint free. I know that complaining gives power to whatever I’m pushing against. I need to continue to strive towards finding the blessing in everything.
2. Continue to listen to something inspirational every day in order to stay on track with the 4 agreements.
3. When I find myself making assumptions (negative ones), I will ask the questions to seek clarification. I will also find a better feeling assumption if I cannot ask the question.
4. Rid myself of excuses - blaming others or situations for my own behavior needs to stop.
5. Accountability - live life as if there is a camera following me around 24 hrs / day.
1. A rock solid sleep last night!
2. A very very productive Monday! So much done, in so little time.
3. The opportunity to set intentions with a co-worker for a concept we wish to introduce. Was great to focus on the reaction we intend to get from those we present to. Knowing the outcome desired is the first step in achieving it.
4. For the comments fellow participants are leaving from the PN challenge re the Four Agreements. So much food for thought!
5. Great conversations with like minded people today!!
Exercise: 25 minutes on rebounder
Meditation: Shower of abundance
My results
Energy is still high and I feel great. I got rid of a cold with only a few sniffles - wonderful thing! I seem to be attracting a lot of people who are on the same wave length as me.. Love it!
finer minds,
law of attraction,
philosopher notes,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 10 ~ Productive Sunday's
Energized, accomplished and blessed. Thats how I'm feeling today! In the early hours of the morning, I finished my vision board. I painted it right on the wall in the stairwell I walk through numerous times per day on my way to my bedroom. (see earlier post with picture) My 2010 is destined to be overflowing with creativity, fun, love, superb health and financial abundance.
As promised, I worked on my book today. Starting with a narrative re-write. This re-write is exactly what was called for, as it is giving me all sorts of great ideas for future chapters. I have been re-inspired! wohoo. Next weekend I will dedicate another day to my book.
With extreme gratitude, I look forward to more inspiration through the Philosophers Notes.
Top things to be grateful for today:
1. The creative juices that flowed through me to inspire my vision wall ~ painted last night. See it here:
2. Great visit with friends ~ fun planning an upcoming party.
3. The inspiration to work on book and the strides forward made on it.
4. Funny movies that make me laugh at out loud - I recommend tonights movie "All About Steve".
5. The time and ability to help my daughter with a school project that was stressing her out.
Exercise: Day off
Meditation: Shower of abundance
As promised, I worked on my book today. Starting with a narrative re-write. This re-write is exactly what was called for, as it is giving me all sorts of great ideas for future chapters. I have been re-inspired! wohoo. Next weekend I will dedicate another day to my book.
With extreme gratitude, I look forward to more inspiration through the Philosophers Notes.
Top things to be grateful for today:
1. The creative juices that flowed through me to inspire my vision wall ~ painted last night. See it here:
2. Great visit with friends ~ fun planning an upcoming party.
3. The inspiration to work on book and the strides forward made on it.
4. Funny movies that make me laugh at out loud - I recommend tonights movie "All About Steve".
5. The time and ability to help my daughter with a school project that was stressing her out.
Exercise: Day off
Meditation: Shower of abundance
Just before bed....
Had to load up my creative piece ~ painted this on the wall going to my bedroom... :-)
I added the words.. "If you can dream it, you can achieve it" right in the center, but the batteries in camera died before I got to take a new pic of it.
Anyways,,, to explain (btw, it was hard to take a good pic as there were walls in the way (its in a stairwell)
The tree - money tree - financial abundance
The hearts - never ending love
The grass - its growing out of orange soil which to me resembles creativity- so ever growing creativity.
The waves - catch the wave of life and have a blast doing it!
The purple rays coming down from the sky - excellent health
The birds flying - freedom to fly and do what I love.
And that, is my vision board for life! :-)
creative painting,
law of attraction,
vision board
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Day 9 ~ the weekend is here
Well, what a wonderful Saturday. As part of my goals for 2010 is an organized and clean house, I was full of energy when I got up this morning, so I cleaned and re-did drawers and cupboards in the kitchen. Feeling quite accomplished! Tonight and tomorrow I will be spending a great deal of time writing. I'm looking forward to the creative energy releasing. :-)
I have been much more focussed lately than I have in a long time. I really think that there is something to staying consistent with the law of attraction! What do ya know? Actually, I have known it all along, its just human nature to slip back into bad habits. I owe my accountability to this blog!
With love, gratitude and a daily blessing of creative energy...
Top things to be grateful for today:
1. A clean house! wohooooooooo
2. Some quiet time to myself.
3. Organization of kitchen.. wow, i'm on a roll
4. A great work out on the Wii fit
5. Little baby puppies... always the puppies.. teehee
Meditation: Shower of abundance
Exercise: 1 hour on wii fit
I have been much more focussed lately than I have in a long time. I really think that there is something to staying consistent with the law of attraction! What do ya know? Actually, I have known it all along, its just human nature to slip back into bad habits. I owe my accountability to this blog!
With love, gratitude and a daily blessing of creative energy...
Top things to be grateful for today:
1. A clean house! wohooooooooo
2. Some quiet time to myself.
3. Organization of kitchen.. wow, i'm on a roll
4. A great work out on the Wii fit
5. Little baby puppies... always the puppies.. teehee
Meditation: Shower of abundance
Exercise: 1 hour on wii fit
Friday, January 8, 2010
Day 8 ~ My Supermind ~ TADAAAAAAAAAAA
Like clockwork, my ipod in my ear as I drive to work, I am staying true to my promise of listening to something inspirational daily. Today's audio ~ The Power of Your Supermind
by Vernon Howard ~ as reviewed on Philosopher's Notes by Brian Johnson.
Today's ahah moment... Blended with the logotherapy from yesterday which inspired me to start thinking of the creation of my own logo ~ a branding of my year for 2010, so to speak, this mornings PN really brought an incredible metaphor to mind for "Enjoy the journey, don't rush the growth".... So since my mind works in the weirdest of pictures, I have pictured my logo.. I am a but a baby in the uterus, enjoying my gestation period by surfing the embryotic fluid, riding the waves of adventure. I have my sunglasses on, looking at the glowing sun and a kick ass smile on my face, the tunes are playing loudly and I am loving every minute of my growth!
Fun stuff! A weird supermind is a terrible thing to waste! Hehe.
The key's for me from todays notes:
Turn on the Light - I have done this! Started doing the things that work for me, stopped doing the things that weren't working for me anymore ~ I have seen the light!
Mental Movies - replaying those old useless depressing scenes of your life over and over again ~ I am making a conscious effort that the only movies I replay in my mind are those that are inspiring and 'feel good'. If a sad mental movie enters my mind, I only focus on it long enough to find the lesson in it, and then I change my perspective of it. It is actually working really great, I have been practicing this for a while now. This was an excellent reminder!
Don't Be Impatient - this is where I came up with my branding for the year - a fun and great way to enjoy my gestational period!
Detecting Negativity is Positive - this is another good example of how when I sense myself I feeling negative about something, much like bad mental movies, I find the lesson and change my perspective!
Spiritual Cats: Be who you are, don't try to be what you think you should be, or what others tell you to be. I call this my authentic self. I promise to always ask myself , whatever I am about to say or do...."Is it coming from my authentic self?" and if not, my goal is to find what my authentic self would do before I say or do. Period.
New mantra....
"I always act from my authentic self."
Exercise: 30 minutes on rebounder ~ had a blast with this today, so much fun!
Gratitudes: Top things to be grateful for today....
1. My weird and wonderful mind that came up with this personal branding (logo) for 2010.... Inspired by today's PN "The Power of Your Supermind" ~ "I am a but a baby in the uterus, enjoying my gestation period by surfing the embryotic fluid, riding the waves of adventure. I have my sunglasses on and a kick ass smile on my face, the are tunes playing loudly and I am loving every minute of my growth!" Just need to find someone to illustrate this for me now! :-)
2. A quick and productive meeting this morning, where everyone was on the same page, focused on solutions and eager to move forward!
3. A great lunch with 2 co-workers where a quick debriefing session turned into a group "find the gift" discussion, with a great plan to move forward in a way that was truly in alignment with our authentic selves.
4. Great silly fun playing rockband with my son! I don't know why some people say raising teenagers is so hard? I, without a doubt, absolutely LOVE it!!
5. Great response and news concerning an issue at work that makes my job a whole lot easier! yipeeee!
6. Very pleased with myself for quickly recognizing that I was triggered, finding away to refocus quickly, and went zooming back into my 'authentic self' with no one else really noticing. yay me!
Meditation: Shower of Abundance - in the morning, and a quick 5 minute mini meditation (zone out) to refocus myself after a little trigger - very very successful!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Day 7 ~ Search for Meaning
Today's Philosopher's Notes: Mans Search For Meaning
by Viktor Frankl reviewed in Philospher Notes by Brian Johnson.
What I walked away knowing.....
The only thing that I have total control over in my life is my own attitude. And the right attitude will offer an element of control to the rest of my life.
Kind of takes the pressure off. The only thing I need to concern myself with is my attitude to the situations, people, places and tasks that occur daily. That, and, of course, continue to take inspired action!
Question asked in PN's: What would I do if I weren't afraid? What if I knew I could not fail?
My answer: I would begin writing my book again. I would not stop until it were done. I would then follow all inspired action to get it published.
My plan: DO IT! My writing date is set for: January 12th and 13th, 2010!! Following these days, a refocus on the next small step will occur.
Term from the book: Logotherapy: fulfilling a meaning and actualizing values. Focus on 'how can I serve'
I have been focusing on this idea for quite some time now, and at the end of a day, as I sit and reflect, I know that my absolute best feeling days were when I stopped and asked myself this question before entering into almost any situation (meetings, training, paperwork, kids, etc.) I will add this to my list of affirmations that I review daily.
#2. I choose to focus on service. "How can I serve?"
Another idea from the book review: Being present in each and every task of the day. Focusing with gratitude on each chore or task as I complete them throughout the day will keep me present. Being present means not being panicked, concerned, overwhelmed with my larger goals. Staying in the moment and really focussing on the task at hand, will only draw my larger goals towards me with greater ease.
Final Idea I walked away with: Finding my 'Why': I love this concept - I have my list of goals recorded, and I do believe that they are coming from my true authentic self, however, they will become that much more powerful when I really define "why" I want to reach these goals.
Next Steps: Define the why's along with my goal and process sheet. ~ will be doing all of this on the weekend.
Gratitudes: Top things I am grateful for today.
1. My creative mind that comes up with numerous summary phrases that work for me... This one came to me after listening to the PN's this morning..... "The only thing that I have total control over in my life is my own attitude. And the right attitude will offer the perfect amount of control to the rest of my life."
2. An amazing conversation with my 18 yr old today about gratitude, how it can change lives and the observations that she has made about her attitude and what it attracts.
3. A great training video watched today at work, and a plan to deliver it to all of our teams that was developed by a great group of managers.
4. An opportunity to listen to the concerns of an member of our agency and make a plan to better the situation. Along with this, the support of a like minded coworker throughout it all.
5. A wonderful, healthy lunch with a great group of people! A working lunch has never been so much fun. :-)
Exercise: Day off
Meditation: Shower of abundance - really visualized on this one today - I will be making a picture of my visualization to hang up so I can see it everyday. :-)
Philosophers Note: Man's Search For Meaning
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 6 ~ Winning
Today was the first day that I was going to begin reviewing the Philosophers Notes ~ one per work day for 100 days. I am not following exactly along on the challenge as put out for these notes (50 books in 50 days beginning on Jan. 11th), as I find work days will be the easiest to remain consistent with, and weekends will allow me to reflect on the books and complete any tasks that I wanted to in relation to what I have learned. I also want to do all 100 books!
So, as I have all 100 Philosopher Notes loaded onto my ipod shuffle, I realized that there is no way for me to choose which one I wanted to start with, so I put my ipod on random and trusted the process. Today's book that was chosen for me, was:
The Psychology of Winning
, Dr. Denis Waitley - summarized in the philosopher's notes by Brian Johnson.
What I took away from today's book review -
Writing down my BAG - A few of my Blessings (my kids, my puppies, great job, amazing friends, creative mind, attracting like minded people, ability to step outside the box, friends and coworkers willing to step outside of box with me, my beautiful house, my great neighborhood, my reliable vehicle,
A few of my proud Accomplishments (obtained a great job, mapped out the book and have it half written, lost 30 lbs last year, seeing changes in culture at work - I played a big part of that, started a business, learned website building, built a pretty cool looking website, developed, wrote, and recorded 5 meditations, co-wrote song, built mini recording studio, )
Some of my Goals for this year. (complete 50 more meditation recordings, build commerce area of website, develop workshop with business partners, finish book, get published, lose 50 lbs)
I added... The process of which I am going to do this:
Process: regular exercise, daily gratitudes, self improvement review daily, take creative time daily, blog 365 day challenge daily, meditation daily, daily affirmations (bathroom mirror morning and night), take inspired action
Also, loved from todays book review is: "Concentrate all your energy and intensity, without distraction, on the successful completion of your current project. Finish what you start." ~ I have hung this up as a mantra (affirmation) up on my bathroom wall - the room I go in first thing in the morning and last thing at night without failure. I have added this as a new ritual - to read off my affirmations to myself in the mirror 2x / day. I will add to these affirmations as I go along in this process.
# 1. I concentrate all my energy and intensity, without distraction, on the successful completion of my current project. I finish what I start.
Another idea from the book....Plan Your Life: set goals - done! Envision the ideal - daily - during shower meditation, while driving, quite time! Journal - this blog is my journal!
I thought the review of this book was excellent. It gave me lots of food for thought and some new processes that will work for me came into form. I turned off my ipod at the end of this review with the feeling of a NIKE add - "Just Do It!" I smiled as I flipped to the radio, and with perfect serendipity, Stepphenwolf's Born to Be Wild began to play... "Get your motor running... Head out on highway... Looking for adventure... And whatever comes my way"..... Messages do not come any clearer than that!
With love and gratitude... I "Get my motor running looking for adventure".... Woopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Exercise: 25 minutes on rebounder
Gratitude: Top things I am grateful for today:
1. A great drive to a different work location this morning, traffic was easy, roads were clear and it gave me the amount of time I needed to listen to the first philosopher note my ipod chose for me.
2. A very positive focussed meeting with a group of positive staff members.
3. An unexpected meeting with an upset associate, which I took a few minutes to set my mind in a positive tone prior to joining meeting, and had amazingly positive results ~ I could feel my calmness flow out of me and cover her ~ wonderful!
4. The amazing energy that I am feeling today!
5. Getting email from someone that was on my mind ensuring me that he was "Ok as cotton candy". hehe. Thank God for wonderful word play!
6. Serendipitous occurrences ~ I love when that happens! Having the NIKE ad of "JUST DO IT" tattooed on my mind after listening to the PN's this morning, and when I switched over to the radio I hear "Get your motor running, head out on the highway, looking for adventure, and whatever comes my wayyyyyy.. born to be wiiiilllllddddd! Fun Fun Fun stuff!!! Sang all the rest of the way to work!
Daily Meditations: shower of abundance
Results noticed... whohoooooooooooo need I say more! Just read the blog - tons of cool results!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day 5 - my introduction to philosopher notes
Well, today was another great work day. Got so much accomplished and some positive meetings with great results occurred. Even though I seem to be arguing with a cold right now, my energy level remained high.
I received an email today reminding me about Brian Johnson's (a fellow gratitude logger) Philosopher Notes. Ofcourse I didn't wait a single moment before I jumped in on his brilliant idea.
"Think: Mini-CliffsNotes™ for Personal Growth Books—Giving You More Wisdom in Less Time".
Anyways, today, I have decided that his 100 audio notes will become a part of my daily routine. On each work day, I will listen to one of the 20 minute audio's on my drive in. I will set my intentions to practice whatever wisdom he brings to me each day. Thank you, Brian for this wonderful idea!! A 100 day challenge to add to my 365 day challenge! wohoo.
"Think: Mini-CliffsNotes™ for Personal Growth Books—Giving You More Wisdom in Less Time".
Anyways, today, I have decided that his 100 audio notes will become a part of my daily routine. On each work day, I will listen to one of the 20 minute audio's on my drive in. I will set my intentions to practice whatever wisdom he brings to me each day. Thank you, Brian for this wonderful idea!! A 100 day challenge to add to my 365 day challenge! wohoo.
Today, I have also noticed that this blog is definitely giving me some personal accountability. As I said, I am having an argument with a cold bug right now, and I definitely did not feel like exercising. As I sat down to write this blog, I wondered if should just give my cold as an excuse for not exercising today, then I remembered Dr. Wayne Dyers' "Excuses Begone" book and realized that my promise was to practice what I have learned regarding the law of attraction. Then I thought, well, no one would know if I lied... but then I realized that "I WOULD!" So, I pulled out the rebounder and did 20 minutes of aerobics to some hoppin' Johnny Reid! (Love that man) And I am pleased to say that the rebounder does wonders at clearing the sinuses!! Wohoo.. another great decision. Way to go, me!
I have added the shower of abundance meditation to my daily routine as well. This is a great meditation to begin with, as it does not take any extra time out of the day - you actually do it while you are taking a shower, envisioning nothing but greatness and abundance washing over you. I find it makes me feel so energized. I love it.
Exercise - as I said - yes.. 20 minutes on rebounder
Daily Gratitudes:
1. The worker at the gas station this morning that was able to turn it around even after the man in front of me complained to her for 10 minutes about the price of gas at her station. She was still able to serve me with a smile and a joke. Great attitude! 2. A very well chaired and productive meeting that will assist an individual live a higher quality of life. 3. Excited about planning a fundraising event that I know will be very successful. 4. Brian Johnson's philosophers notes - excited to add this to my daily rituals - a book a day keeps the cobwebs away lol 5. Saying goodbye to those 6 lbs I gained over Christmas break! woopeeeeeeeeeee! |
Shower of Abundance:
Focusing on superb health flooding over me.
Philosophers Notes:
I begin tomorrow! :-)
Wow, nothing but good feelings coming my way. Daily routine is going so smooth and this blog is giving me the personal accountability I needed!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Day 4 ~ Return to work with great results
I returned to work today after 1 ½ weeks off through the Christmas Holidays. Before work I watched a you tube video on Brian Johnson’s Philospher Notes. I really liked the way he broke down how to stretch yourself to your goals. It confirmed to me that I’m on the right track, setting my rituals, then deciding on the process of reaching my goals, rather than focusing only on the end results, which shows lack and can cause panic. I am spending my week visualizing my goals and figuring out processes. I will put it all on paper on the weekend.
Exercise: day off of regular exercise - however, ran the stairs a number of times at work today to get the blood flowing.
Gratitude Log:
Top 5 things I'm grateful for today...
1. A smooth return to work after 1 1/2 weeks off.
2. A flexible job that allowed me to come home at lunch time to check up on new puppies.
3. A 20 minute re-energizing nap!
4. The time and organization to get supper in the slow cooker while home at lunch time - makes supper time so much easier.
5. Catching up with co-worker and hearing about their Christmas and New Years fun.
Results Noticed:
A typical return to work from vacation consists of retrieving endless phone messages and emails, however, today was quite different. I landed at work ½ hour earlier then intended, and this was all the time I required to get caught up what I missed. This is a huge difference for me. Yayyy!! My happiness meter still stays high! Lots of compliments today from many people in my life, both professional and personal.
Next Steps:
Define my star constellations clearly and concisely as I truly desire them to be.
Set my action steps towards my goals over the next year.
Will complete these this weekend.
Focusing on wellness - this cold will leave quickly and easily. Do abundance meditation while in shower daily.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I feel confident that I have put a couple of items in place to keep my mind in a positive way. (exercise and gratitude log) These will the beginning of my rituals that will lead me to success. I will add more rituals once these become a habit.
I need to now focus on visualizing my hearts desires. In order to track my results, I need to find out where I am today, and then let me imagination and desires take the lead to define what I would like my destination to look like with clear and concise details. My partners and I in Dreams Without Boundaries have developed a Life Constellation to assist with this. I have spent the day reflecting on the where I am at in each star (wealth, health, spirit, romance, family / friends, environment, playtime, and career / job / education) I gave a rating to each star to resemble my present state of satisfaction in each area. Next I will define where I want to be in great detail.
I, also, printed out my list of my projected gratitudes from 2010 and developed the following list of goals. This will be helpful when I define each area of my life constellation.
Goals for 2010:
Quite Smoking
Lose 50 lbs
Finish Book
Get book published
Financial Abundance
House clean, neat and organized
Superb Health
Puppies to great homes
Wonderful and loving man in my life
Watch kids grow into wonderful people who practice the law of attraction with amazing results
Creativity abounds
Using the law of attraction to follow an amazingly abundant path
Great friends, business associates, coworkers, etc, who are positive thinkers for co-creation.
Exercise: 1 hour strength building exercises + belly dancing video
Gratitude Log:
Top 5 things I'm grateful for today...
1. Mended relationships
2. The tight feeling in my muscles from a great work out yesterday.
3. More fun times with the kids and their friend.
4. A clean and organized house.
5. Time to enjoy the puppies! They grow soooo fast!
Results Noticed:
Energy level remains high, and I feel great. Lots of time in the day to get done what I wanted to get done. An ended love relationship has taken on a new form of relationship (one that seems like it will give both of us some peace and happiness). House is clean and organized in an easy and co-creative way with my daughter. Christmas decorations put away.
Next Steps:
Define my star constellations clearly and concisely as I truly desire them to be.
Set my action steps towards my goals over the next year.
I feel confident that I have put a couple of items in place to keep my mind in a positive way. (exercise and gratitude log) These will the beginning of my rituals that will lead me to success. I will add more rituals once these become a habit.
I need to now focus on visualizing my hearts desires. In order to track my results, I need to find out where I am today, and then let me imagination and desires take the lead to define what I would like my destination to look like with clear and concise details. My partners and I in Dreams Without Boundaries have developed a Life Constellation to assist with this. I have spent the day reflecting on the where I am at in each star (wealth, health, spirit, romance, family / friends, environment, playtime, and career / job / education) I gave a rating to each star to resemble my present state of satisfaction in each area. Next I will define where I want to be in great detail.
I, also, printed out my list of my projected gratitudes from 2010 and developed the following list of goals. This will be helpful when I define each area of my life constellation.
Goals for 2010:
Quite Smoking
Lose 50 lbs
Finish Book
Get book published
Financial Abundance
House clean, neat and organized
Superb Health
Puppies to great homes
Wonderful and loving man in my life
Watch kids grow into wonderful people who practice the law of attraction with amazing results
Creativity abounds
Using the law of attraction to follow an amazingly abundant path
Great friends, business associates, coworkers, etc, who are positive thinkers for co-creation.
Exercise: 1 hour strength building exercises + belly dancing video
Gratitude Log:
Top 5 things I'm grateful for today...
1. Mended relationships
2. The tight feeling in my muscles from a great work out yesterday.
3. More fun times with the kids and their friend.
4. A clean and organized house.
5. Time to enjoy the puppies! They grow soooo fast!
Results Noticed:
Energy level remains high, and I feel great. Lots of time in the day to get done what I wanted to get done. An ended love relationship has taken on a new form of relationship (one that seems like it will give both of us some peace and happiness). House is clean and organized in an easy and co-creative way with my daughter. Christmas decorations put away.
Next Steps:
Define my star constellations clearly and concisely as I truly desire them to be.
Set my action steps towards my goals over the next year.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Day 2 ~ My first steps
After a great amount of reflection, I realized that the first thing I needed to do was to get into some healthy habits that will make me feel good. This should make aligning myself with my desires a whole lot easier. I am told that the best way to increase happiness endorphins is through laughter, exercise and a good roll in the hay. Since I am single at the moment, I decided that for now, I will rely on laughter and exercise. Ideally, this will help me achieve my goal of weight loss as well.
Tonight, I decided to try out a Christmas present that my kids bought me.... A work out belly dancing video. Well, wonderfully, this not only provided me with the exercise required to increase endorphins, but it also provided me with plenty of laughter. Picture an uncoordinated, middle age woman who never quite took care of the 'baby belly' from children many years ago, wearing a belly dance wrap around her hips, "shaking it" to some exotic music. Quite a sight, and without a great sense of humor could quite possibly be described as SCARY. LOL. I am so grateful for my warped sense of humor!
Promise to myself ~ some form of exercise will be built into my day at least 4 times / week.
I have also made a promise to myself to record my gratitudes on Gratitude Log every day. I find when recording on the gratitude log, it makes me take note throughout my day of all the things that made me smile, so that I have something to write about at the end of the day. Noticing what makes me smile through the day makes me smile even more in the instant. This has to be helping to align me with my desires.
Results so far ~ I am definitely finding myself laughing more and feeling good about myself and my life. I, also, had a wonderful and loving conversation with a dear friend today. (I am attracting love my way.. wohooo) I have become inspired to pull my camera back out again and take some pictures for the greeting cards that I design and sell on Greeting Card Universe . When my creative mind becomes active, I know I am on the right track!
Next Steps ~ Review my gratitudes from yesterday ( the new years eve 2010 exercise) and set my goals with action steps.
With extreme gratitude and love, I continue on my journey.
Tonight, I decided to try out a Christmas present that my kids bought me.... A work out belly dancing video. Well, wonderfully, this not only provided me with the exercise required to increase endorphins, but it also provided me with plenty of laughter. Picture an uncoordinated, middle age woman who never quite took care of the 'baby belly' from children many years ago, wearing a belly dance wrap around her hips, "shaking it" to some exotic music. Quite a sight, and without a great sense of humor could quite possibly be described as SCARY. LOL. I am so grateful for my warped sense of humor!
Promise to myself ~ some form of exercise will be built into my day at least 4 times / week.
I have also made a promise to myself to record my gratitudes on Gratitude Log every day. I find when recording on the gratitude log, it makes me take note throughout my day of all the things that made me smile, so that I have something to write about at the end of the day. Noticing what makes me smile through the day makes me smile even more in the instant. This has to be helping to align me with my desires.
Results so far ~ I am definitely finding myself laughing more and feeling good about myself and my life. I, also, had a wonderful and loving conversation with a dear friend today. (I am attracting love my way.. wohooo) I have become inspired to pull my camera back out again and take some pictures for the greeting cards that I design and sell on Greeting Card Universe . When my creative mind becomes active, I know I am on the right track!
Next Steps ~ Review my gratitudes from yesterday ( the new years eve 2010 exercise) and set my goals with action steps.
With extreme gratitude and love, I continue on my journey.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Day 1 ~ Setting the stage for 2010
Well, the kids and I had fun tonight pretending like it was new years eve 2010. We celebrated the amazing accomplishments that we saw throughout 2010. We allowed our imaginations to run wild and really felt the appreciation of an amazing year.
1. I am so grateful that I quit smoking.
2. I am so grateful that I lost the last amount of weight I was wanting to lose.
3. I am so grateful that my business has taken off and is financially abundant.
4. I am so grateful that I finished my book, got it published, and it is climbing the best sellers list rapidly.
5. I am grateful for the financial abundance that I am experiencing, with enough money in the bank to retire if I chose to.
6. I am so grateful that I have my house completely paid off.
7. I am grateful for my new house in the country, with the wrap around porch and top of the line media room.
8. I am so grateful that my house is neat, clean and organized.
9. I am so grateful for my maid who goes above and beyond the call of duty.
10. I am so grateful for my pool man who not only keeps my pool sparkling clean, but he looks darn fine doing it.
11. I am so grateful to be able to share my wealth with good causes like CLGS and local animal shelters.
12. I am so grateful for the superb health that me and my kids have experienced this year.
13. I am so grateful to be able to drive my dream vehicle ~ Fully Loaded Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
14. I am so grateful that all the puppies went to amazing homes where they will be spoiled rotten.
15. I am so grateful for the wonderful man in my life who loves me and treats me like a princess.
16. I am so grateful for my kids and the way they have grown into such wonderful people who have learned to practice gratitude and the law of attraction, and now experience abundance on every level of their lives.
17. I am so grateful for my creativity, and how throughout this entire year it has continued to grow and led me on some amazing journeys.
18. I am so grateful for figuring out just how to use the law of attraction to experience amazing abundance and knowing with certainly that the path that lies before me is infinite.
19. I am so grateful for great friends, business associates, customers, co-workers, partners, who are all positive thinkers and focus on solutions.
20. I am soooooo grateful that my life is completely and impeccably amazing filled with abundance, love, peace and harmony.
With extreme gratitude, I set forth on this year long adventure. I look forward to blogging about this daily.
With extreme gratitude, I set forth on this year long adventure. I look forward to blogging about this daily.
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