Sunday, January 3, 2010


I feel confident that I have put a couple of items in place to keep my mind in a positive way. (exercise and gratitude log)  These will the beginning of my rituals that will lead me to success. I will add more rituals once these become a habit.

I need to now focus on visualizing my hearts desires. In order to track my results, I need to find out where I am today, and then let me imagination and desires take the lead to define what I would like my destination to look like with clear and concise details. My partners and I in Dreams Without Boundaries have developed a Life Constellation to assist with this. I have spent the day reflecting on the where I am at in each star (wealth, health, spirit, romance, family / friends, environment, playtime, and career / job / education)  I gave a rating to each star to resemble my present state of satisfaction in each area. Next I will define where I want to be in great detail. 

I, also, printed out my list of my projected gratitudes from 2010 and developed the following list of goals. This will be helpful when I define each area of my life constellation. 
Goals for 2010:
Quite Smoking
Lose 50 lbs
Finish Book
Get book published
Financial Abundance
House clean, neat and organized
Superb Health
Puppies to great homes
Wonderful and loving man in my life
Watch kids grow into wonderful people who practice the law of attraction with amazing results
Creativity abounds
Using the law of attraction to follow an amazingly abundant path
Great friends, business associates, coworkers, etc, who are positive thinkers for co-creation.

Exercise: 1 hour strength building exercises + belly dancing video
Gratitude Log: 
Top 5 things I'm grateful for today... 
1. Mended relationships 
2. The tight feeling in my muscles from a great work out yesterday. 
3. More fun times with the kids and their friend. 
4. A clean and organized house. 
5. Time to enjoy the puppies! They grow soooo fast! 

Results Noticed:
Energy level remains high, and I feel great. Lots of time in the day to get done what I wanted to get done. An ended love relationship has taken on a new form of relationship (one that seems like it will give both of us some peace and happiness). House is clean and organized in an easy and co-creative way with my daughter. Christmas decorations put away.

Next Steps:
Define my star constellations clearly and concisely  as I truly desire them to be.
Set my action steps towards my goals over the next year.

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