Quick update - on the weekend my furnace broke down, and with afterhour prices, it cost me just under $500 to get it fixed. This morning, my daughter slept in, needed a ride to school (which makes me late for work), I ran outside to discover an almost flat tire, stopped at 2 gas stations only to discover after paying for the air that the machines were not working properly (but at least gave me enough air to drive safely to work), got the wrong kind of tea at Tim Horton's, and daughter was in a rather foul mood and showed me it all the way into town. When I got to work, I realized that it was time for some serious 'smile therapy'. I decided then and there that I would turn my day around. And turn around it did! I got an update from our accounts payable person that I hadn't submitted my expenses for the past 4 months, so when I did that, I got enough to pay off my furnace and some extra to cover the workshop I am going to in May! The work day flew by with much progress on the tasks I was working on! After work, I stopped for air at a different gas station, and was lucky enough to pull up right behind someone who just filled his tire, and there was enough 'free air' left to bring my tire up to where it should be. Had a super supper with some gals that I took a coaching course with in the fall. Had enough fun energy left in me to swing by and pick up my daughter from work instead of her having to take the bus home. Life is truly what we make it ~ and undoubtedly we attract whatever we put our attention on. I am happy to report that this has truly resonated within me, and I will be choosing my days intentionally now!
The philosophers note for today, randomly chosen by my ipod shuffle, was ironically enough, The Power of Now
Ohhh.. also, just totally loving The Passion Test
In gratitude and lovely blessings,
Today's Gratitudes:
So grateful for a wonderful supper with the 'coaching girls'. Yummy food and great catching up! Looking forward to next months get together. :-) Also, very grateful for the clarity that continues to come my way to enjoying the path of my passion. Wohooo... life really does rock! :-) Oh yeah... and puppies.. puppies, puppies, puppies! Gawd I love those little stinkers! :-)
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