Today's Philosopher's Notes: Mans Search For Meaning
by Viktor Frankl reviewed in Philospher Notes by Brian Johnson.
What I walked away knowing.....
The only thing that I have total control over in my life is my own attitude. And the right attitude will offer an element of control to the rest of my life.
Kind of takes the pressure off. The only thing I need to concern myself with is my attitude to the situations, people, places and tasks that occur daily. That, and, of course, continue to take inspired action!
Question asked in PN's: What would I do if I weren't afraid? What if I knew I could not fail?
My answer: I would begin writing my book again. I would not stop until it were done. I would then follow all inspired action to get it published.
My plan: DO IT! My writing date is set for: January 12th and 13th, 2010!! Following these days, a refocus on the next small step will occur.
Term from the book: Logotherapy: fulfilling a meaning and actualizing values. Focus on 'how can I serve'
I have been focusing on this idea for quite some time now, and at the end of a day, as I sit and reflect, I know that my absolute best feeling days were when I stopped and asked myself this question before entering into almost any situation (meetings, training, paperwork, kids, etc.) I will add this to my list of affirmations that I review daily.
#2. I choose to focus on service. "How can I serve?"
Another idea from the book review: Being present in each and every task of the day. Focusing with gratitude on each chore or task as I complete them throughout the day will keep me present. Being present means not being panicked, concerned, overwhelmed with my larger goals. Staying in the moment and really focussing on the task at hand, will only draw my larger goals towards me with greater ease.
Final Idea I walked away with: Finding my 'Why': I love this concept - I have my list of goals recorded, and I do believe that they are coming from my true authentic self, however, they will become that much more powerful when I really define "why" I want to reach these goals.
Next Steps: Define the why's along with my goal and process sheet. ~ will be doing all of this on the weekend.
Gratitudes: Top things I am grateful for today.
1. My creative mind that comes up with numerous summary phrases that work for me... This one came to me after listening to the PN's this morning..... "The only thing that I have total control over in my life is my own attitude. And the right attitude will offer the perfect amount of control to the rest of my life."
2. An amazing conversation with my 18 yr old today about gratitude, how it can change lives and the observations that she has made about her attitude and what it attracts.
3. A great training video watched today at work, and a plan to deliver it to all of our teams that was developed by a great group of managers.
4. An opportunity to listen to the concerns of an member of our agency and make a plan to better the situation. Along with this, the support of a like minded coworker throughout it all.
5. A wonderful, healthy lunch with a great group of people! A working lunch has never been so much fun. :-)
Exercise: Day off
Meditation: Shower of abundance - really visualized on this one today - I will be making a picture of my visualization to hang up so I can see it everyday. :-)
Philosophers Note: Man's Search For Meaning
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