Like clockwork, my ipod in my ear as I drive to work, I am staying true to my promise of listening to something inspirational daily. Today's audio ~ The Power of Your Supermind
by Vernon Howard ~ as reviewed on Philosopher's Notes by Brian Johnson.
Today's ahah moment... Blended with the logotherapy from yesterday which inspired me to start thinking of the creation of my own logo ~ a branding of my year for 2010, so to speak, this mornings PN really brought an incredible metaphor to mind for "Enjoy the journey, don't rush the growth".... So since my mind works in the weirdest of pictures, I have pictured my logo.. I am a but a baby in the uterus, enjoying my gestation period by surfing the embryotic fluid, riding the waves of adventure. I have my sunglasses on, looking at the glowing sun and a kick ass smile on my face, the tunes are playing loudly and I am loving every minute of my growth!
Fun stuff! A weird supermind is a terrible thing to waste! Hehe.
The key's for me from todays notes:
Turn on the Light - I have done this! Started doing the things that work for me, stopped doing the things that weren't working for me anymore ~ I have seen the light!
Mental Movies - replaying those old useless depressing scenes of your life over and over again ~ I am making a conscious effort that the only movies I replay in my mind are those that are inspiring and 'feel good'. If a sad mental movie enters my mind, I only focus on it long enough to find the lesson in it, and then I change my perspective of it. It is actually working really great, I have been practicing this for a while now. This was an excellent reminder!
Don't Be Impatient - this is where I came up with my branding for the year - a fun and great way to enjoy my gestational period!
Detecting Negativity is Positive - this is another good example of how when I sense myself I feeling negative about something, much like bad mental movies, I find the lesson and change my perspective!
Spiritual Cats: Be who you are, don't try to be what you think you should be, or what others tell you to be. I call this my authentic self. I promise to always ask myself , whatever I am about to say or do...."Is it coming from my authentic self?" and if not, my goal is to find what my authentic self would do before I say or do. Period.
New mantra....
"I always act from my authentic self."
Exercise: 30 minutes on rebounder ~ had a blast with this today, so much fun!
Gratitudes: Top things to be grateful for today....
1. My weird and wonderful mind that came up with this personal branding (logo) for 2010.... Inspired by today's PN "The Power of Your Supermind" ~ "I am a but a baby in the uterus, enjoying my gestation period by surfing the embryotic fluid, riding the waves of adventure. I have my sunglasses on and a kick ass smile on my face, the are tunes playing loudly and I am loving every minute of my growth!" Just need to find someone to illustrate this for me now! :-)
2. A quick and productive meeting this morning, where everyone was on the same page, focused on solutions and eager to move forward!
3. A great lunch with 2 co-workers where a quick debriefing session turned into a group "find the gift" discussion, with a great plan to move forward in a way that was truly in alignment with our authentic selves.
4. Great silly fun playing rockband with my son! I don't know why some people say raising teenagers is so hard? I, without a doubt, absolutely LOVE it!!
5. Great response and news concerning an issue at work that makes my job a whole lot easier! yipeeee!
6. Very pleased with myself for quickly recognizing that I was triggered, finding away to refocus quickly, and went zooming back into my 'authentic self' with no one else really noticing. yay me!
Meditation: Shower of Abundance - in the morning, and a quick 5 minute mini meditation (zone out) to refocus myself after a little trigger - very very successful!
Hi there! Love your energy and the wisdom you are internalizing. You are aligned with the Vortex!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! You're awesome! Life is fun, fun, fun!