It has been a long long while since I have updated this, but it is not because I have stopped anything that I promised that I would do! I have been busy with ongoing coach training, coaching at work and off work, developing DWB's first workshop, creating tools, writing and entering contests, exercising, learning new forms of meditation, and and and......
Life has certainly been busy and superbly wonderful! Most recently I learned some
Qi Gong
- and I have to say, it has had a big impact on me. I have always done guided meditations as I have had a hard time totally quieting my mind to do unguided mediations, but the energy created in Qi Jong allows me to totally quiet my mind and just move with the energy that radiates from both my body and the universe. It feels really great, and I have made this a part of my regular routines.
The weather has been absolutely beautiful, and night walks with the pups have become a regular part of my routine as well. The most amazing thing that I have noticed lately, is that I always have enough time to do anything that I want to do! It's all about perception and attitude. I have also experienced some very positive evidence supporting the power of intentions. I have created a tool to help me practice intentions and remind myself to find the evidence and celebrate accomplishments. This tool has been so helpful to me, that I am in the process of creating it in book format for retail release. I'm very excited about this!
In light and love,
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