Today’s PN - The Four Agreements
I love these four agreements. They really are the basis of living a life of bliss.
1. Be Impecable with your word - stop complaining, blaming and criticizing. - I love this - last year I took the Complaint Free World challenge, and although it was challenging and full of self-awareness, I finally was successful after 6 months of going 21 days complaint free. This was a nice reminder to continue on this journey.
2. Don’t take anything personally - one of my favorite sayings is “What you think of me is none of my business. At the end of the day, I go to sleep knowing I have done the best I could with the tools I had.” I really try to live by this statement.
3. Don’t make assumptions. My life coach has taught me to always find a better feeling assumption. If I do not know with 100% certainty, why would I choose to believe something negative. So true! And of course, ask for clarification whenever I can.
4. Always do your best. This morning I reviewed Wayne Dyers Power of Intention, and realized that using the ‘act as if’ principle will really help with this. This is one area that will be putting a larger focus on in the upcoming weeks. Love the point about the fact that my best will fluctuate from day to day and this is ok. Quit being so hard on myself. I will do the best I can with the tools I have at every moment.
These are the Top 5 things I *know* need some work from me:
1. Continue to an attempt to become complaint free. I know that complaining gives power to whatever I’m pushing against. I need to continue to strive towards finding the blessing in everything.
2. Continue to listen to something inspirational every day in order to stay on track with the 4 agreements.
3. When I find myself making assumptions (negative ones), I will ask the questions to seek clarification. I will also find a better feeling assumption if I cannot ask the question.
4. Rid myself of excuses - blaming others or situations for my own behavior needs to stop.
5. Accountability - live life as if there is a camera following me around 24 hrs / day.
1. A rock solid sleep last night!
2. A very very productive Monday! So much done, in so little time.
3. The opportunity to set intentions with a co-worker for a concept we wish to introduce. Was great to focus on the reaction we intend to get from those we present to. Knowing the outcome desired is the first step in achieving it.
4. For the comments fellow participants are leaving from the PN challenge re the Four Agreements. So much food for thought!
5. Great conversations with like minded people today!!
Exercise: 25 minutes on rebounder
Meditation: Shower of abundance
My results
Energy is still high and I feel great. I got rid of a cold with only a few sniffles - wonderful thing! I seem to be attracting a lot of people who are on the same wave length as me.. Love it!
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